A5 X & A6 X Beta Changelog
Gain an overview of the latest changes and updates in the Beta Versions of A5 X and A6 X.
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Chauvet 2.20.32_Beta
Mar 21, 2025
[Note] Added the Sticker feature:
- Supports creating stickers by lassoing handwritten notes.
- Supports searching and managing stickers.
- Supports exporting and importing sticker collections. (Only sticker collections that are exported using this feature can be imported.)
- Supports backing up sticker data. (To do so, please go to Settings > System > Backup and Restore.)
- [Sync] Added the following Supernote Cloud servers: Amazon (Germany), Amazon (Australia), Amazon (Singapore), Amazon (South Africa); and optimized sync efficiency.
- [Settings] Changed DMS selection from manual to automatic based on the selected region, and removed the previous DMS-associated pages.
- [Settings] Supports selecting regions. (To select your specific region, please go to Settings > Display & Input > Language & Region.)
- [Note] Improved the speed of opening or switching back to the same note file via Recent Files, Quick Access and Files in the sidebar menu.
- [Note] Optimized the efficiency of determining whether extra large PDFs can be set as templates for notes, reducing unnecessary wait times.
- [Files & Search] Changed the sorting method for file names containing numbers from character sorting to natural sorting.
- [Supernote Linking] Enhanced the security of transferring files through the Supernote Linking feature.
- [Note] Fixed the issue where opening notes for the first time after booting up was slightly slower than before.
- [Note] Fixed the issue where the handwritten strokes occasionally did not refresh in time when opening the notes for the first time after booting up.
- [Note] Fixed the issue where opening notes for the first time after upgrading the system would fail due to the notes not being saved during upgrade.
- [Note] Fixed the issue where only content on the top layer would be exported to PNG when hiding the background layer.
- [Document] Fixed the issue where links would not be clickable with the pen after selecting the text selection tool on the toolbar.
- [Document] Fixed the issue where handwritten annotations were occasionally lost after accidentally triggering the auto rotation feature.
- [Sync] Fixed the issue where a single folder in OneDrive containing over 200 files couldn't be synced.
Chauvet 2.18.31_beta
Feb 07, 2025
Note: This system upgrade will optimize the handwritten stroke effect in the Note, Document, and Calendar apps for all versions prior to the Chauvet 2.18.30 version. It enhances the smoothness of the handwritten strokes by processing each stroke individually.
[Note & Document & Calendar] Adjustments to the Smart Straight Line feature include:
Changed the angle for horizontal and vertical snapping from 5° to 3°.
Reduced the wait time for a stroke to snap into a straight line during continuous line drawing.
[Search] After returning to the global search result screen, it will retain the last search results instead of re-running the search.
[Settings] Added the "Auto Refresh" feature. (To enable it, please go to Settings > Display & Input.)
[Note] Fixed the issue where the target note using PDF template would become abnormal when copying a note page from a different note and pasting it to the target note.
[Note] Fixed the issue where the handwritten strokes occasionally failed to refresh and display in a timely manner.
[Note] Fixed the issue where handwritten notes were occasionally not saved when turning pages immediately after writing.
[Search] Fixed the issue where the Korean handwriting recognition results couldn't be searched.
Chauvet 2.18.30_beta
Dec 25, 2024
[Note & Document & Calendar] Added the Smart Straight Line feature:
- Supports adjusting line length and angle.
- Supports horizontal and vertical snapping.
- Supports endpoint snapping.
- Supports template snapping (only applicable to Note).
- [Handwriting] Optimized the stroke effect by processing each stroke individually to enhance the smoothness of new handwritten strokes. (Removed the original solution's "Handwriting Antialiasing" switch from the "Preferences" menu on the toolbar.)
- [Document] Supports expanding and collapsing multi-level table of contents.
- [Note & Document] Moved the "Star Mark Recognition" switch to the "Pen Preferences" menu (To access it, go to the Toolbar > Pen Selection Menu) and unified its Enable/ Disable settings in Note and Document.
- [Files] Supports opening and viewing BMP images.
- [System] Enhanced security for system upgrade verification.
- [Document] Improved handwriting experience in Word documents to minimize the probability of first stroke disappearing in handwriting mode.
- [Document] Optimized handwriting experience to reduce accidental page turning during writing.
- [Calendar] Added the ability to allow the automatic adjustment of start time and end time when creating and editing events.
- [Settings] Added weak password checks for lock screen, account, and file passwords.
- [Note] Fixed the issue where applying some PDF files as note templates failed.
- [Note] Fixed the issue where the exported PNG image background was white instead of transparent when the background layer was hidden.
- [Note] Fixed the issue where handwritten strokes couldn't refresh in a timely manner due to accidental screen rotation.
- [Document] Fixed the issue where text in Word documents couldn't be selected using a Bluetooth keyboard.
- [Digest] Fixed the issue where wrong page numbers linked to the original documents were displayed in the digest list after restoring digest data from backup files on a different device that had not originally created those backups.
- [Digest] Fixed the issue where the comments added to digests created across pages would occasionally be lost.
- [Settings] Fixed the issue where progress would occasionally stall when installing apps from the app store.
- [Settings] Fixed the issue where the lasso tool could not select handwritten content after adjusting the Non-Contact Writing values.
- [Keyboard] Fixed the issue where the delete key on a Bluetooth keyboard would occasionally fail to stop deleting text.
- [Quick Access] Fixed the issue where renaming note files within notes could occasionally cause the Quick Access list on the sidebar menu to disappear.
Chauvet 2.14.29_beta
April 24, 2024
[To-Do] Added the To-Do app.
- Supports converting handwritten notes selected by lasso in the Note app into To-Do tasks.
- Supports syncing To-Do items across multiple terminals.
- Supports choosing whether to sync To-Do items. (To configure this setting, go to Settings > My Account > Data Sync.)
- [Settings] Added the virtual Spanish, Portuguese, and Czech keyboards.
- [Settings] Added the Sideloading switch. (To access it, go to Settings > Security & Privacy.)
- [Settings & Startup Guide] Updated the Privacy Policy to the latest version.
- [Note & Document] Supports using lasso to delete handwritten notes.
- [Settings] Added the option to adjust values to resolve the issue of Non-Contact Writing. (To access it, go to Settings > Display & Input > Stylus > Calibration.)
- [Settings] Added the option to choose the recognition wait time after lifting the pen on the handwriting keyboard. (To configure this setting, go to Settings > Display & Input > Keyboard > Handwriting.)
- [Settings] Added "24 Hours" as an option for Auto Power Off.
[Mail] Optimizations include:
- Supports opening attachments compatible with this device without downloading them first;
- Supports navigating through web links in the email body.
- [Note & Document] Fixed the issue where erasing a single stroke extending beyond the screen would mistakenly erase all the other similar strokes on the same side of the screen.
- [Note & Document] Fixed the issue where the two-finger gesture could be triggered continuously by accident to activate the eraser or lasso during writing.
- [Sync] Fixed the issue where syncing with some OneDrive accounts couldn't work.
- [Document] Fixed the issue where the documents would occasionally crash.
- [Document] Fixed the issue where adding bookmarks to some books would fail.
- [Document] Fixed the issue where the vector-exported strokes would display incorrectly when the original document contained gray handwritten strokes.
- [System] Fixed the issue where accessing files on the device via USB connection to a computer was still possible after setting a screen lock password.
Chauvet 2.12.28_beta
Dec. 29th, 2023
- [Sync] Supports OneDrive.
- [System] Added support for 270° landscape orientation. (Currently only applies to Notes and Documents.)
- [Sync] Supernote Cloud has reinstated support for selective file syncing.
- [Note & Document] Restored the ability to navigate to a target page by inputting the page number.
- [Top Menu Bar] Long-pressing the Bluetooth button in the top menu bar now allows direct access to the Bluetooth settings page.
- [Note] Fixed the issue where handwriting would disappear while writing notes on a template with links, requiring a refresh to display it again.
- [Note] Fixed the issue where anti-aliasing was ineffective when "Handwriting Antialiasing" was enabled.
- [Sidebar] Fixed the issue where the sidebar menu could not be accessed at times when "Supernote Cloud Auto Sync" was enabled.
Chauvet 2.12.27_beta
Dec. 14th, 2023
• Note: Supernote Cloud no longer supports selective file syncing and has switched to syncing all files by default.
- Added the drawing app called Atelier (that can be downloaded from the Supernote App Store).
- [Sync] Supports auto sync with Supernote Cloud.
- [System] Supports landscape mode. (Currently only applies to Notes and Documents.)
- [Note & Document] Single-tapping the page number now activates the quick page turning bar instead of the page number bar.
- [Note] Supports selecting templates when creating new notes and removed the "Default Template" option nested within the "Preferences" section in notes.
- [Settings] You can now customize the two-finger press-and-hold gesture to activate either the region eraser or lasso. (To configure settings for this gesture, go to Settings > Display & Input > Gestures.)
- [Settings] Replaced the "User Manual" with "Support", which is accessible by scanning the QR code or entering a URL on your computer or mobile device to view feature descriptions.
- [Note] Reduced the probability of accidentally tapping the page turning button on the page number bar.
- [Note] Fixed the issue where some keywords and titles would jump to incorrect target pages when tapped.
- [Note] Fixed the issue where the app would occasionally crash when writing in a real-time recognition notebook.
- [Note] Fixed the issue where the note export would fail if the PDF templates within it contained links displayed as email addresses.
Chauvet 2.10.26_beta
Sept 15, 2023
- [Document] Changed the highlight colors in PDFs by removing green, pink and blue, and only keeping yellow as the default highlight color.
Reason for this change: Due to the characteristics of E Ink devices and the fact that the majority of users tend to highlight text on these devices, excessive color selection may not be as effective in making differentiation obvious.We have been working hard to improve the ease-of-use and stability of our product. To achieve this, we have chosen to reduce the selection of highlight colors. Our aim is to provide users with an excellent text display experience that is both smooth and reliable.
- [Document] With the highlighter or text selection tool selected, you can now edit highlights, open links and digests by tapping them with pen.
- [Keyboard] Optimized the display and switching of numerical keys on the Arabic virtual keyboards.
- [Mail] Optimized the display of individual folder names under "Other Folders".
- [Mail] Fixed the issue where certain attachments couldn't be downloaded.
- [System] Fixed the issue where the sidebar could occasionally not be opened after notes failed to be upgraded.
Chauvet 2.9.25_beta
August 17, 2023
- [Note] Supports editing headings (originally named titles) and links.
- [Note] Supports moving/copying multiple pages across notebooks, and deleted the original ability to Copy, Cut and Paste Current Page.
- When inserting or editing a link, you can create a new note through the "Other Files" entry point.
- [Note] Added the region eraser to real-time recognition notes. (The eraser gesture now activates the region eraser in real-time recognition notes as well, instead of the stroke eraser.)
- Added the ability to highlight text in PDFs.
- When reading PDF, EPUB, CBZ, FB2 and XPS documents, you can turn pages using Bluetooth.
- [Global Search] Supports searching for real-time recognition notes; and supports switching between File, Keyword, Star and Handwriting for more precise results based on categorization.
- [System] Supports WEBP image format. (WEBP images can now be used as screensavers, note covers/templates, email/feedback attachments, and linked-to files.)
- [Settings & Keyboard] Added the virtual Hebrew keyboard and virtual Arabic keyboards (including Saudi Arabia and Egypt).
- [Note] Changed "Titles" to "Headings".
- [Note] Size is no longer limited to 1872 px * 1404 px when using PNG images as templates, and supports using three more image formats as templates, including JPG, JPEG and WEBP.
- [Note] With copied/cut content stored on the virtual clipboard, you can only clear it by tapping the “Clear clipboard” button, rather than by re-lassoing handwritten text.
- [Note] You can no longer exit the lasso by tapping with fingers anywhere outside the lassoed area on the screen. You can only do so by tapping with pen.
- [Note & Document & Mail & Calendar] Updated the Marker icon.
- [Document] Pinch to zoom adjustments:
- You can now close the zoom window and make it reappear when you start zooming again or turn pages;
- Instead of staying fixed at 50% per pinch, the zoom level is now proportional to the distance between two fingers when pinched outward or inward;
- When tapping the buttons in the zoom window, the zoom level increases or decreases by 10% (not the original 50%).
- [Document] Instead of having to draw "[" and "]" one after another in that specific order to create digests, you can now draw them without making any order distinction.
- [Document] Adjusted the three smallest fonts in Display Settings of EPUBs, making them smaller than they are now.
- [Calendar] When viewed in the calendar, notes will now be displayed based on their creation date.
- [Top Menu Bar] Long pressing the Wi-Fi icon will now take you directly to the Wi-Fi settings screen.
- [Settings] You can now review release notes for the latest system update by going to Settings > System > System Version.
- [System] Changed the current low battery prompt behavior. It will now only appear when the battery level is at 20 percent, 10 percent and every time it goes down 1 percent after reaching the 5 percent level respectively.
- [LAMY Pen] When the LAMY side button is configured as a lasso or region eraser, triggering it will activate the designated action that remains effective even after the button is released.
- [Note & Document] Keyword optimizations:
- You can now add new keywords directly by navigating to the toolbar;
- You can reuse recently used keywords;
- You can switch between two sort methods: by page number or by the A-Z alphabetical order of the keywords to display keywords.
- [Document] Word optimizations:
- Optimized switching between original view and reflow view;
- Optimized switching between handwriting mode and keyboard mode;
- When in the handwriting mode, handwriting recognition will now be triggered by tapping the corresponding button, rather than by double-tapping the screen with one finger.
- [Document] Improved the display effect of handwriting exported to vector-based PDFs.
- [Sidebar Menu] Supports reordering and removing items in Quick Access by long pressing them.
- [Note & Document & Settings] Added the ability to keep track of search history in documents and real-time recognition notes respectively.
- [Files] After a new folder is created, it will automatically be opened.
- [Top Menu Bar] If you enable “Browse & Access” or “Screen Mirroring” immediately after you enable Wi-Fi, you will now have a smoother experience accessing that feature.
- [Settings] Added the search ability in the user manual.
- [Settings] The feedback page now covers the full screen, resolving the issue where left-handed users could accidentally trigger unwanted parts on this page.
- [Settings] When switching to a different Wi-Fi network with the correct password saved, the device will now connect automatically without needing to tap the "Connect" button.
- [Settings] Supports using email plus addresses when signing up for a new account.
- [System] Sync optimizations:
- Improved the speed at which prompts appear for verifying cloud authorization completion and folder sync selection after tapping the sync button;
- Supernote Cloud is now not automatically selected as the default cloud storage service;
- When tapping the sync icon in the top menu bar without selecting a cloud storage service or folders to sync, you will be directed to Settings to select one first;
- Resolved the issue where renaming conflicting files with overly long file names failed;
- A sync failure prompt will now appear when you move/delete a file that's being uploaded during syncing.
- [System] Fixed the issue where the device consumed too much power when connected to Wi-Fi.
- [System] Fixed the issue where the USB OTG flash drive would be immediately disconnected when the device switched to sleep mode.
- [System] Fixed the issue where the 24-hour format was occasionally changed to the 12-hour format after the device was awakened from sleep.
- [Digest] Fixed the issue where the digests extracted from the same page were sorted incorrectly.
- [Files] Fixed the issue where files could be sorted incorrectly by time.
- [Files] Fixed the issue where the copies didn't preserve the password lock when the original locked files were copied to the same folder they were already in.
- [Settings] Fixed the issue where overly large images were displayed blank when setting them as screensavers.
- [Settings] Fixed the issue where multiple options were displayed as selected when rapidly switching among several options in the left menu.
Chauvet 2.8.24_beta
April 26, 2023
- Improved the efficiency of setting PDFs as templates.
- Changed the name of the new file transfer feature from Wi-Fi Transfer to Browse & Access.
- Fixed the issue where the screen was stuck on the "Installing system update" page when some users were trying to update their devices.
- Fixed the issue where the Kindle app pages would not refresh after page turns.
- Fixed the issue where the templates marked as favorites would occasionally disappear from the Favorites tab.
- Fixed the issue where the "Sync Successful" popup box mistakenly appeared on the lock screen along with the prompt to enter password.
- Fixed the issue where the device failed to auto sleep according to the personally set time.
Chauvet 2.8.23_beta
The Beta version has been recalled because of a software issue that occurred during the update process. This issue does not exist in case you have already updated successfully. We will inform you as soon as the issue is fixed. We regret any inconvenience caused.
April 13, 2023
- Added Wi-Fi file transfer feature (can be turned on/off in the top menu bar). This feature allows you to transfer files from/to Supernote by entering URL on the receiving device.
- [Note] Supports using PDF as a template and preserving the original embedded links (if any) in the PDF.
- [Keyboard] Added virtual German keyboards (including Germany, Belgium, Austria, Luxembourg and Switzerland), and virtual French keyboards (including France and Canada).
- [Mail] Added Gmail authorized login and entry point for Outlook/Hotmail login.
- [Files] Supports adding folders to Quick Access.
- [Screen Mirroring] Added a laser pointer for when pen is hovering over the screen. (Hold the pen up to 5mm above the Supernote screen.)
- [Keyboard] The changes include:
- Adjusted English, Chinese (Simplified) and Japanese keyboard layout;
- Increased the number of the virtual keyboards one can switch between from 3 to 7;
- Changed the handwriting keyboard interface.
- [Settings] Added "My Device" as a setting option and moved "About", "Bluetooth" and "Direct Transfer" into it.
- [Note] In left-handed mode, the horizontal floating toolbar will be expanded and shortened to the right by default.
- Sync optimizations:
- Improved sync efficiency;
- Displays details on the sync progress, internet speed, uploaded/downloaded size and the total size of individual files;
- Displays which files are unable to sync and why;
- Displays more accurate and detailed reasons for sync failures.
- Added the permanent certificate for handwriting recognition, resolving the issue where handwriting recognition can only be used after the device is connected to Wi-Fi to activate it.
- [Note] PNG/PDF files that are in a MyStyle subfolder can now be applied as templates.
- [Mail] Changed the time formats on mailbox list page and message page to be consistent.
- [Screen Mirroring] When rotating the mirroring page in the browser, it can now fit the screens of devices of different sizes.
- Fixed the issue where the device was stuck at 1% when syncing with Google Drive.
- Fixed the issue where the page would get stuck on "Loading" after attempting to select folders to sync under unstable network conditions.
- Fixed the problem where the marker pen was not transparent during mirroring.
- Fixed the problem where the page number was updated but the page itself was not refreshed after jumping to the page.
- Fixed the issue where the titles in the Navigation Window were displayed incorrectly after deleting or moving the corresponding pages.
Chauvet 2.7.22_beta
Jan 13, 2023
- [Settings] Supports Google Drive.
- Added the screen mirroring function (that can be turned on/off in the top menu bar).
- [Note] Deleted the page count displayed underneath the thumbnail pages in Overview.
- [Note] When exporting to TXT and WORD, you can now choose to keep the original formatting or reformat.
- [Note] Fixed the issue where keywords were lost after pages were deleted.
- After the eraser gesture was activated, moving the two fingers off the screen would not reactivate the last selected tool.
- [Note] Fixed the issue where long pressing a page in Overview and Stars in Navigation Window would occasionally fail to work.
Chauvet 2.6.21_beta
Dec 16, 2022
- [Note] Supports exporting to TXT in standard notes and real-time recognition notes.
- [Settings] Added a preference setting option for the LAMY side button. You can now choose to use it to activate the eraser or lasso in Note and Document (by going to Settings>Display & Input>Stylus Settings>LAMY Side Button).
- [Document] Supports editing TXT documents (Using small files that contain no more than 100,000 words is recommended). Doesn't support reading mode.
- [Note] Real-time recognition notes:
- Supports moving/zooming/copying/pasting lassoed handwriting.
- Added a status symbol (hollow circle) for when the stroke eraser is activated.
- Added the real-time erasing effect for the stroke eraser.
- Supports viewing the unfinished page queue on the Recognition Results page.
- Instead of preserving the line breaks in the original handwritten text, the recognized text exported to TXT and WORD now only uses a page break to end the current page.
- [Settings] Added "Forgot Password" instructions on My Account page.
- Improved the reliability of the gesture eraser based on analysis of the commonly used handwriting gestures.
- [Note] The two-finger page turning didn’t work.
- [Note] After a link target file was renamed or moved to a different folder in Files, it would accidentally not be found.
- [Note & Document] Fixed the issue where some buttons on the toolbar didn’t respond to touches.
Chauvet 2.6.20_beta
Dec 3, 2022
*You know how much we value your feedback. In order for us to better collect it, please do kindly help take the survey and share your thoughts in this form, after you've finished testing the new beta.
- [Note] Added a new type of notes: real-time recognition notes (The eraser gesture will activate the stroke eraser in real-time recognition notes)
- Supports real-time handwriting recognition
- Supports searching handwriting
- Supports exporting to Word
- Doesn't support layers, copying/pasting handwriting, or the region eraser
- Changed the regular eraser to the stroke eraser.
- [Note] Handwriting in standard notes can be exported to Word.
- [Mail] Changed the Mail app home page from account login to account selection. Added Authorize Microsoft Exchange, Outlook/Hotmail pages.
- [Files] Copying and moving files will now start from the current directory they are already in, rather than from the root directory.
- [Files] Files of the same name can now be copied to the same folder.
- [Settings] Updated handwriting recognition language packs. (You will need to manually redownload language packs for the languages that you've already installed.)
- When the device doesn't repsond to touches, it now takes less time to return to normal. (The red light indicator flicks for a shorter time.)
- [Note & Document] Reduced the probability of accidentally triggering the gesture eraser.
- [Note & Document] Adjusted the display effect of the marker and needle-point pen: the lines look smoother.
- [Document] Fixed the issue where swiping from the screen edges to turn pages didn't work.
- [Note] Deleting a customized note template would cause the original file to be damaged.
- [Note & Document] The app would accidentally crash after jumping back and forth between files.
Chauvet 2.5.19_beta
Oct 21, 2022
*As Google Calendar authorization protocol has been upgraded, please update your device to the latest version if you need to perform Google Calendar authorization.
- [Note & Document] Restored and renewed the original page-turning gesture icons on the toolbar (A new icon for the single-tap page-turning gesture has been added in documents).
- [Note & Document] Moved settings for other gestures, including Full Screen Gesture, Page Number Bar Gesture, Gesture for Returning to Page before Jumping and Gesture Eraser to the "More" menu on the toolbar.
- [Calendar] Upgraded Google Calendar authorization protocol to OAuth 2.0
- Revised some of the inappropriate text on the device.
- [Sidebar menu] Added two buttons: "Last Opened Note" and "Last Opened Document", and removed "New Word".
- [Note] Links
- When creating a link, you can choose to link to "Recent Files".
- Creating a link from the "More" menu allows you to select the "File name" or "Full path" as "Link Title", which can also be customized.
- You can insert a new page when linking to another page in the current file.
- When linking to a page, you can enter the page number to quickly find the target page (Path: Recent Files/Existing Files>Select Page).
- Links in PDF converted from a note file on the cloud services still work (only the links that point to the other pages or web pages in the PDF are valid).
- When selecting an existing file to link to, you can now start at the location of the current directory, rather than from the root directory.
- [Note & Document] After you switch between the Titles / Keywords / Stars / Bookmarks / Annotations tabs in the current file, tapping the navigation window takes you to the last tab you switched to.
- [Word] Proofreader's marks were mistakenly recognized as text.
- [Note] Handwriting antialiasing was not working after the device was restarted.
- [Note] When a target page of a link was selected from Overview, the thumbnail page didn't match its page number.
Chauvet 2.5.18_beta
Sep 25, 2022
*Users, whose handwriting recognition language is set as any language other than English, need to re-select it in Settings>Display & Input>Language>Handwriting Recognition Language.
- [Note] Added the feature to create links.
- Link to another page in the current file, page in another file, file or web page.
- When a note with links is exported to PDF on the Supernote device, only links to the other pages of the PDF file and web pages are valid (Links in PDF created by the QR code and on the cloud services are invalid).
- [Settings] Added more handwriting recognition languages (Download new languages by going to Settings>Display & Input>Language>Handwriting Recognition Language).
- After the device is reset to factory settings, the gesture eraser will be disabled by default.
- [Sidebar menu] Sidebar menu optimization:
- Added an entry point for New Note and New Word respectively.
- The original Note and Document entry points are now replaced by Recent File.
- The Recent list is now displayed as a pop-up window.
- When the app section has more than 8 apps, it can be expanded to pages to display additional apps.
- The logo is now removed.
- [Note & Document] Moved the keywords out of the titles and table of contents in the navigation window.
- [Note & Document] Resolved issues caused by large files where the apps crashed or files were damaged.
- [Note & Document] Changed the one-finger/two-finger/disabling page turning button to the gesture settings button.
- [Note & Document] Reduced the probability of accidentally triggering the page number bar.
- [Word] Improved handwriting recognition speed.
- [Note] Improved the efficiency of note sharing via the QR code.
- [Settings] Added instructions on the sync page to remind users to manually tap the sync button.
- [Note & Document] After the apps crashed, they couldn't be reactivated and accessed.
- [Document] Handwriting entered using keyboard showed up in the document itself.
- [Document] In half page view, the page number arrow on the bottom half page of the 1st page was turned grey and didn't work to get back to the top half page.
- [Settings] Handwriting performed to test the result of stylus calibration was displayed on the Feedback page.
- [Calendar] Fixed the issue where the calendar failed to sync due to lack of event attributes.
- [Note] Fixed the bug where a new note would fail to be created after a custom template was set as default.
Chauvet 2.4.17_Beta
July 21, 2022
What's Added
- [Note] We've added new functions to enable you to move individual pages within the same notebook or between notebooks: Copy Current Page, Cut Current Page and Paste Page.
- To turn off the power automatically after a period of inactivity, you can now set Auto Power Off in Settings>Battery.
What's Optimized
- [Note] Tapping on a template selection now automatically sets it as the new template without the need to tap the Apply button.
- [Note] You now need to navigate to the function bar in Overview to access Copy Page(s) and Move Page(s) in the same notebook. We've moved them out of the More menu to make it look less cluttered.
- [Note] When exporting note pages as PNG multiple times, you will now find the newly generated PNG files will not replace the existing ones, as we will add sequential numbers to each PNG file name.
- [Note & Document] We've added a new button that allows you to exit full screen quickly. You can choose to display or hide it by going to Settings>Display & Input>Preferred Settings.
- [Note & Document] We've added an option in both apps to let you set preferences easily.
- [Note & Document] You can now select your most frequently used button: eraser or lasso, to show on the shortened floating toolbar. You can do this by going to Toolbar>More>Preferences.
- [Note & Document] We now present you with an option to position the page number bar at the top or bottom of the screen. You can manage settings for the page number bar position in Toolbar>More>Preferences.
What's Fixed
- [Note & Document] Fixed a bug where users would open a locked file from Quick Access without a prompt for password.
- [Note] Fixed a bug where customized templates users favorited couldn't be found in the list of Favorites.
Chauvet 2.4.16_beta
June 17, 2022
What’s Optimized
- [Note & Document] Toolbar optimization:
- By default, the toolbar appears on the top of the screen. It can now be moved and fixed on any of the four sides you prefer it on.
- Page numbers are no longer displayed on the toolbar. Instead they are now displayed on the page number bar, along with the file name.
- Double tapping with two fingers on the screen displays/hides the toolbar, while double tapping with one finger in the empty space of the page number bar displays/hides the page number bar.
- All types of pens and erasers are displayed as the first-level menu options on the fixed toolbar. (On the floating toolbar, they are still shown as the first-level and second-level menu options.)
- The pen icons now display the pen thickness and greyscale shade you have selected.
- Tool icons are visually optimized, click interactions intuitive and user-friendly, and tools are displayed by category and easier to user.
- You can now set hand dominance (Go to Settings>Display&Input>Preferred Settings to change your hand dominance setting).
- [Note] It’s possible to undo and redo changes made to a note title.
- [Note] There are now three additional title patterns for you to choose from. If the diagonal lines on top of the titled text make it barely visible, you will be able to choose a title pattern that works best for you.
- [Sidebar menu] In the sidebar menu, there is now sufficient space for 4 additional Quick Access items.
- [Note & Document] [Note & Document] Quick Access now provides an easy way to open a specified page or note/document (which opens to the last viewed page).
- [Document] When you navigate to a digest right from its original PDF file in landscape mode, the resulting digest you see will also be in landscape mode.
- [Document] When a PDF file is set in the half page view, handwriting can be copied and pasted between the upper half page and the lower half page (if the PDF file is in portrait mode), or between the left half page and the right half page (if the PDF file is in landscape mode).
- [Document] The pinch to zoom feature now works more reliably. You will be less likely to accidentally trigger it while writing and avoid interrupting your workflow.
- [Document] There is no discrepancy between search results on your Supernote and those on your computer or other devices.
- [Note & Digest] After a note or digest is exported, the export progress will be displayed.
- [Calendar] The 12-hour time format is now available in calendars.
- [Calendar] When you switch between a daily, weekly or monthly view, you will find the currently-selected date remains unchanged.
- We’ve deployed a new DMS (Device Management Server) in the United States. For more info on the new DMS, please visit here.
What's Fixed
- Fixed an issue some users were experiencing where they couldn’t charge their devices to 100% even after powering it off for 35 minutes.
- Fixed an issue where the device would appear to be stuck after synching large files and would need to restart to get back to normal.
- [Note & Document] Fixed an issue where the pen would be accidentally recognized as the area eraser while writing.
- [Note] Fixed a bug where the current note page was accidentally showing handwriting that was originally on another note page.
- [Note] Fixed a bug where a locked note file would be automatically opened after the device was rebooted, without a prompt for password.
- [Note] Fixed a bug where no save failure prompt would appear when users entered special characters that were not in line with the naming rules, such as \/*:?”<>|, to rename a note.
- [Note] Fixed a bug where a page would be turned when users switched from “swipe between pages with one finger” to “swipe between pages with two fingers” and collapsed the layer menu.
- [Note & Document & Search] Fixed a bug some users were seeing where star marks could still be found in global search results after they had been cleared from the original notes/documents they were in.
- [Document] Fixed a bug where a PDF file with annotations in multiple pages would accidentally fail to be exported.
- [Document] Fixed a bug where the Document app would crash after users tapped to save a Word document.
- [Supernote Cloud] Fixed an issue in which conflicting files would be generated after users renamed files by simply changing the case of letters and synced.
Chauvet 2.3.15_beta
Mar 10, 2022
- Reduce the accidental touch rate of eraser gestures.
- The issue that eraser gesture is inactive due to two-finger shaking.
Chauvet 2.1.14_beta
Mar 4, 2022
- In MTP mode, it is unable to rename or delete the root directory folder on the computer.
- A6 X display noise issue when writing in sunlight.
- [Notes/Documents] Strokes lost issue caused by following operation steps: 1. Strokes selected by lasso function 2. Rotate, zoom or move the Strokes 3. Copy the Strokes 4. Undo
Chauvet 2.1.12_beta
Feb 18, 2022
*If the device is unable to be fully charged, it needs to be turned off for 35 minutes and then turned on after the upgrade.
- Optimize battery calibration scheme.
- [Notes/Documents/Calendars] Reduce the accidental touch rate of eraser gestures (when the pen is on the edge of the screen).
- Optimize touch screen responsiveness.
- [Calendar] The problem of abnormal power consumption after sleep mode when the monthly view is not closed.
- [Cloud] After renaming the document on the cloud and synchronizes, Mark (.mark) file name does not follow the original file.
- [Notes/Documents] Some handwriting is not displayed when switching between tools or using lasso.
- [Documents] Files with the extension .DOCX cannot be opened.
- [Calendar] Some duplicate events (non-Google Calendar invitations) cause Google Calendar synchronization to fail.
Chauvet 2.1.9_beta
Jan 21, 2022
- [Document] Support PDF landscape mode view.
- [Document] Support PDF split viewing.
- [Note] Added [5mm Engineering Grid] format template.
- [Calendar] Support gesture eraser.
- [Files] Support list mode.
- [Document] The table of contents at bottom and page numbers are changed from auto-hide to click to hide.
- Adjusted grayscale display mode.
- Improved the recognition rate of gesture eraser.
- Mark files are automatically moved and renamed with the source file.
- [Note/Document] Optimized handwriting content temporarily disappearing during writing.
- [Calendar] Support recurring events editing (one sync is required after version update).
- [Settings] Problem feedback automatically fills in the email address first registered.
- [Note] The handwriting in the keyboard is displayed in the notes when the layer is renamed.
- [Note] The problem of larger shadow range than version C.368 when creating the title.
- [Document] PDF cannot be exported normally when the "No load shutdown" is on.
- [Document] PDF handwriting is not displayed after zooming in/out.
- [Calendar] Google Calendar cannot be synced normally.
- [Calendar] Confusion caused in the sorting of event time.
- [Keyboard] Lower handwriting recognition rate.
Chauvet 2.0.6_beta
Dec 14, 2021
*This update may take more than 30 minutes. Please keep device battery fully charged or plug in the power to avoid shutting down during the update.
- Delete “Browse page” in Chauvet 2.0.5
- Added "Last opened Document/Note" button on “Document” and “Note” file page.
- In search, add views under stars and keywords search (page/file).
- Unexpected issues of device frozen and system no response.
Chauvet 2.0.5(D.119_beta)
Dec 3, 2021
*This update may take more than 30 minutes. Please keep device battery fully charged or plug in the power to avoid shutting down during the update.
- Add "Browse page" in Note and Document applications.
- For page turning in Note and Document applications, the two modes "single finger/two finger" in previous beta now is changed to the three modes "single finger/two finger/disabled".
- In Note and Document applications toolbar, replace the "Exit" button with the "Browse" button.
- Speed up upgrading for note files than previous beta in batch mode.
- If download fails, some devices cannot download the upgrade again.
Known Cons
- Global multi-conditions search is not fully completed. When using mark search (Star, Keywords), it directs to the last opened page rather than marked page. It will be completed in next release.
Chauvet 2.0.4(D.101_beta)
Nov 26, 2021
- Jump to the page after entering a specific page number (Applied to notes, documents, digest and file management).
- Quick jump to the first and last pages.
- Favorites feature of note templates.
- In note, change the "Hand turning pages-On/off" to "Turning pages with single/two fingers".
- The content displayed in the top status bar is changed from "Time" to "Date and Time".
- After the Regular eraser erases the handwriting, it is impossible to select the individual handwriting after erasing.
- The symptom that EMR pen does not respond under some circumstances.
Chauvet 2.0.1(D.068_beta)
Nov 10, 2021
- Add “Power Saving Mode” (Setting > Power > Power Saving Mode).
- Add the display button of digest symbol "A" and "D" (Setting > Display & input > Preferred setting).
- When fully charged, the LED light changes from green flashing to green on.
- Go to the last visited page when opening the built-in user's manual.
- The issue of high power consumption after sleep in D.034_beta version.
- Latency issue with the first stroke when beginning to write.
- Files can not be copied to OTG USB storage devices.
- The power display changes rapidly in several scenarios.
If this phenomenon still occurs after the updated version, please tap "Settings" > "Feedback" and send system logs for efficient and better troubleshooting.
Normal sleep power consumption:
A6 X 8-hour power consumption: the display power is reduced by 1~2% (0.2% per hour).
A5 X 8-hour power consumption: the display power is reduced by 0~1% (0.075% per hour).
Chauvet 2.0.1(D.049_beta)
Oct 25, 2021
- Gesture Eraser feature (For Note, Document, Digest, currently unavailable in Calendar).
- Support web link access to browser in files by tapping.
- All links are unable to access when the touch gesture feature is off.
- Calendar repeated events cannot be displayed correctly.
- The issue that capital letters cannot be searched after updating to D.034_beta version.
- The issue that screensaver page is restored as default page after updating to D.034_beta version.
Chauvet 2.0.1(D.034_beta)
Oct 15, 2021
New Kernel
- UI response speed 15% up.
- Writing latency reduced 28%.
- Document page-turning speed 13% up.
- Kindle page-turning speed 40% up.
- Bluetooth keyboard response speed 37% up.
- 30% power consumption of handwriting reduced, which increased battery stamina at same rate.
*Above percentage figures are based on internal test/simulation data. The actual use result could be different.
- Notebook cover page customization.
- Note page layer rename.
- Password protect a folder or file.
- Web authentication Wi-Fi connection.
- TOC page number jump for notes and documents.
- Single search to multi-condition search.
- Keyword search order adjusted to alphabetical order.
- Keyword icon adjusted from "T" to "K".
- Outlook calendar sync email sending issue.
Chauvet 1.0.1(339_beta)
July 1, 2021
Handwriting anti-aliasing feature (Activate via "Settings -> Display & input -> Preferred setting -> Handwriting antialiasing").
Star recognition switch (Adjust via "Settings -> Display & input -> Preferred setting -> Star mark recognition").
Performance optimization.
Chauvet 1.0.1(315_beta)
June 3, 2021
- The icon of event invitation.
- Abnormal synchronization of event invitation.
Chauvet 1.0.1(308_beta)
May 19, 2021
- Calendar supports synchronization of "events" for Google and Microsoft accounts.
- Possible handwriting misaligned issue when exporting PDF files.
Chauvet 1.0.1(242_beta)
February 7, 2021
- Calendar function.
- Redundant space or blank will be deleted in handwritten emails.
- Button response speed optimization.